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L'Ost du Dauphin est une association de reconstitution spécialisée dans l'artillerie du XVeme siècle basée en Rhône-Alpes.Plus d'informations:

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 canon triple trouvé en Croatie modèle Leonard de Vinci

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Pecord Ultime
Pecord Ultime

Messages : 3625
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2009
Age : 40
Localisation : Cellieu en Lyonnais

canon triple trouvé en Croatie modèle Leonard de Vinci Empty
MessageSujet: canon triple trouvé en Croatie modèle Leonard de Vinci   canon triple trouvé en Croatie modèle Leonard de Vinci Icon_minitimeMar 8 Oct 2013 - 5:25

Machine gun by leonardo da vinci :

Leonardo da Vinci's 'machine gun' cannon discovered by archeologists
Archeologists in Croatia have identified what they believe is the world's only triple-barrel cannon inspired by the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci

The bronze cannon, from the late 15th century, bears a striking resemblance to sketches drawn by the Renaissance inventor, notably in his Codex Atlanticus - the largest collection of his drawings and writing.

Mounted on a wooden carriage and wheels, it would have allowed a much more rapid rate of fire than traditional single-barreled guns - in a precursor to modern day machine guns. Soldiers would have been able to fire three cannon balls instead of one.

It was also lighter and more mobile than most cannon of the time, enabling troops to move it around the battlefield with comparative ease - a precursor to much later artillery.

It was found in the grounds of the 15th century Klicevica fortress, in a part of southern Croatia that had strong trading links with the Venetian Republic and that was on the front line of defence against the invading Ottomon Turks.

"We think it was either made in Venice and brought here, or it may have been made locally," said Marin Curkovic, the director of a museum in the nearby town of Benkovac, where the cannon went on display this week as the centre-piece of a new exhibition.

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